Wednesday, May 21, 2008

This is hilarious

My friend sent me this link to a blog called Stuff Christians Like- and I think it is ABSOLUTELY hilarious. The author writes about funny Christian-isms and weird churchy stuff. The best part about the blog, and what makes it so hilarious, it that most of it is true. 
Last night I almost laughed until I know the kind of laughing when you can't speak, but are trying to. Ahh, it MAY have been because I was concussed from getting KICKED IN THE FACE during my ultimate game last night. Yes, I was literally kicked in the nose. Apparently some guy and I both "layed out" and I got his foot in the face. Painful, but only mildly swollen. If you read my post about being 'the rookie, you might understand why this kick in the face was LITERALLY AND FIGURATIVELY a kick in the face. Regardless, this game was a lot better than my first one- and I got assigned a role in the dreaded "wedge" that I actually understood. Thank God. Now, go look at this site...some personal favourites include the casserole of hope, Narnia, Christianizing your facebook profile, and orange drink. 

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