Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The World we live in...

"...In this economy we consume time and produce fatigue, consume art and talent and produce entertainment and amusement, consume work and leisure and produce paychecks and heart attacks. And ultimately we consume communities and produce extended families and consume extended families and produce nuclear families, consume nuclear families and produce individuals, consume individuals and produce consumers and finally consume consumers themselves and produce disembodied fragments called "wants" and "needs" and "markets" and "segments" and "anxieties" and "drives" that the economy consumes and excretes and reconsumes in a kind of cannibalistic ferment or rot. In the process, we commonly produce successful megaconsumers of unimaginable wealth who are more or less bankrupt in compassion for their poor neighbors. And in a stroke of suicidal genius,we simultaneously produce poor people whose greatest dream is to be like those megaconsumers who don't care about them at all."- Brian McLaren, Everything Must Change, pg 130-31.

Pretty twisted isn't it?

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