I always look forward to thinking about my year- the ups, the downs, and all of the memorable moments in between. Last year I wrote
a list of some of my favourite moments and I thought I might do the same for this year. This year has definitely has seen some firsts-- so here goes:
2008- it's been a good run:
- Being fortunate enough to go to grad school. Taking a class with "Cabbage Man" and learning about peace, christianity, and Mennonites = awesomeness
- Have lunch and coffee dates with Lauren Greig - spicy fries! Attempting to make Waterloo "where it's at" with Ester, Steve, and Lauren.
- Getting my ass rocked at squash by Steve
Going to Nicaragua with the Penmans -- such a memorable trip in so many ways. Incredible people and so great to spend time with Matt's family. The gorgeous beaches and the beautiful sun in the middle of February didn't hurt either.
- spending time with great friends- dinners at Amanda's house with Nik, Ryan, Matt and Sim- Avocado sandwiches and homemade soups!
-Maple Syrup festival in Elmira and dodgeball intramurals with school friends
- North Carolina '08- a great trip with great friends and good conversation. Nothing beats camping, swimming in the ocean and reading books on the beach. This year we discovered "Fanny's living Room" a sweeeeet ice cream place! Also, we made the trip to Ocracoke a beautiful island with desserted beaches and shells everywhere. NYC was also super memorable. I wrote
here about the amazing birthday gift Matt gave me for my 25th birthday. It really was perfect- books, frisbee in Central Park and a delicious dinner in little Italy.
-Signing up for a soccer team and an ultimate frisbee team were also huge highlights of my year- even though I was TERRIBLE at first- especially in soccer, I met so many awesome people and practiced having fun while doing something I sucked at. I got a lot better at ultimate too- I played on an outdoor fall team and just finished a fall winter indoor session. Matt and I are pumped to play indoor until March- we really love it. It's such a fun sport and the people are really great. Definitely one of my favourite new things of '08
- The summer...I love the summer. Gah- love. Especially thinking about it oon a day where is 21 degrees below zero~ I had so much fun spending time with Matt, Amanda and Aaron this summer. I loved hearing about Kim's trip to New Zealand and going to the Stretch's cottage with Steph and Jus. I loved going to "Burlington Beach" and Port Dover on Canada day. It was so hard to work on my thesis with the weather so incredible outside. I also got to spend a lot of time with my two youngest bros and I really enjoyed that.
Going to BC with my mom to visit my brother Evan in July was also awesome. Seattle, Vancouver, Whistler- I loved it all.
- Moving to Hamilton was AWESOME too- and helped me to accomplish one of my "experiments with truth" from 2008- drive less. I love love love my apartment and love even more having my friends so close. The co-op has quickly become home and I thoroughly enjoy living here. Spending time with Deb and Oliver, drinking wine and just being friends is fantastic. Living with friends so close solidifies by thinking that geographically close community is so important.
- Deciding to commit to going to the Freeway, the church that Matt had been attending is a huge highlight too. I have met so many wonderful people and spent countless hours baking, brunching, drinking beers and just living life.
- Work has been good too- I am so fortunate to have found a job that I like with coworkers whom I really care about. It's definitely been a learning experience-- but the lessons are invaluable and I'm thankful to gain the experience.
-Helping Amanda bake her pies for Ecuador- so fun and I had no idea that I could make a PIE!
- I made Matt ties for Christmas and I needed a lot of help from my mom sewing them- I really enjoyed the challenge of tie making and enjoyed spending time with my mom even more.
-Wine and Cheese at the co-op and way too many other fun Christmas events. I feel like I've been eating for a month straight!
- Finally, I think perhaps my most memorable moment was when Matt asked me to be with him forever. Of course I said yes. We're ridiculously excited to get married and have spent the holiday season showing off my "bling" and attempting to answer a lot of questions that we don't know the answers to ("what is your colour scheme?" "Will you wear a strapless dress?")
It was such an incredible and life changing way to end 2008-- and naturally we have much hope that 2009 will be our best year yet!
Here are a few pictures of late:
Taylor and I on boxing day...

Matt, Mom, Ev and I on Christmas day

Engaged- in pajamas Dec 19th

Mands and I at the Co-op wine and cheezle!

Adios 2008-- it's been swell. Here's to 2009!