Thursday, August 21, 2008

Green to Red

You know that fall is just around the corner when see that rogue little tree that decides to change colours before all of his buddies. I don't know if these trees  are tired of the blistering sun and are looking for a long sleep or if it's simply a gentle warning to us humans that we should soak up the last drops of warmth. I always used to think that I would enjoy living in a climate where there was basically one a late spring/early summer. But I think I've begun to appreciate the sentiment and moods that the seasons bring. Winter, although WAY too long, allows us to bundle up and bunker down, watch movies, drink tea, go skating. Spring is a time of renewal, new life and endless optimism. Summer, is the time for lazy days and drinks on patios, it's a time to relax and play and enjoy. Fall, kinda like spring, is generally a big time of change- the weather gets cooler, the leaves change, lots of new beginnings and new routines. 
September is always a month of newness for me- and this year is no job, new town, new degree, new "normal". 
The next two weeks are beyond busy for me- exciting and scary busy. I'm grateful for the rebel trees that turn red early reminding me to live in the moment, to appreciate where I am at today, and to begin to anticipate the changes ahead. Green is my favourite colour, but red ain't bad. 

Friday, August 15, 2008

An Open Letter to Michael Phelps

Dear Mike,

First I want to congratulate you on your epic quest for a gazillion golds. It's great, really. And it's really great that you are coming to terms with the fact that you're the most decorated American Olympian EVER. Awesome. A little ego never killed anyone.
But listen Mike, you're ruining my life a little. I have to rearrange all of my plans around your ridiculously late swim times. You and those Chinese toddlers on the gymnastics apparatuses are causing me to lose a lot of sleep.  And, as much as I appreciate your total dominance in the pool, where you race only YOUR world record time, not the other swimmers, I am starting to question if it's really worth it. First off, you have more medals than us Canadians will probably (read:definitely) get all Olympics. It's like rubbing salt in the wound. Secondly, as much as I appreciate your machine-like body, I am not sure it's worth this little fascination we all have with you...
Mike, I know way too much about you- about your double jointed everything (I didn't know there were joints in the chest?!), your freakishly long wing span, your flipper-like feet and paddle- like hands, how you wear to swim caps to avoid the drag of the goggle straps. Mike, you're a good guy. It was really great how you let Crocker take your spot on the relay in Athens...heroic, Mike, really. And I am not going to lie, little stories about acts of kindness in sports generally make me like an athlete more- and you are no exception.
You and your ridiculously low swim- spandies and your twelve-pack abs are a little bit addicting, but  really, I am getting a little worried as I watch in hypnotic expectation for you to do your ritualistic triple arm swing before your race. And quite frankly, I know that your mother has sacrificed a lot for you but she reminds me of a televangelist... and I don't really like televangelists (although I must say I was impressed when Kobe and LeBron showed up to cuddle with her). 
Listen, I am cheering for you- two more golds to go- but I gotta be honest and say that I am looking forward to getting my life back once it's over- once I can pry my eyes of you cooling down in the warm up pool, watching 6 trainers massage your legs and bum, and counting the minutes till your next swim.  
You're a bit like the 2007/8 Patriots Mike, I didn't want to like you or cheer for you- but daaaaamn  watching you go for perfection in the pool is like crack.


*this pic is borrowed from: 2007/06/08/michael-phelps/ -and no, I do not subscribe to this website, I just searched google images ; )

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


This is the most profound spiritual truth I know: that even when we’re most sure that love can’t conquer all, it seems to anyway. It goes down into the rat hole with us, in the guise of our friends, and there it swells and comforts. It gives us second winds, third winds, hundredth winds…the truth is that your spirits don’t rise until you get way down. But when someone enters that valley with you, that mud, it somehow saves you again.
~Anne Lamott

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


I have a new job! I will officially be the "coordinator of advocacy and movement building" for the YWCA in Hamilton. I am excited to learn more about the issues of women in the community and to help bring more women into the movement for equal rights. I start August 25th and can't wait!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

A Toast

A red wine, coke zero, passion tea, vanilla latte, chocolate milk toast

Here is a toast to the friends that always make you feel pretty- no makeup, sweatpants, unshowered, sick or sad...

Here's to the friends that drag you into the truth...

and inspire you to be a better person

Here's to the friends who know your weaknesses and and don't judge...

the friends who ask how your day was and entering into the beautiful and messy soil of life with you.

Here's to the friends that make you the best version of YOU.


Thursday, August 7, 2008

A little obsessed with McLaren lately...

I just finished reading "Everything Must Change: Jesus, Global Crises and a Revolution of Hope" by Brian McLaren and I have been thinking (and talking- sorry team!) about it nonstop. What is so exciting about this book is that it asks a lot of the same questions about the church, salvation and what it means to be a "Christian". There is one page in the book that I found particularly inspiring- and I am going to copy it all out here- for two, everyone should read this book. You can even buy it here-two, if I write it out it's a bit like studying or burning it into my brian.
Here we go....

The  sub-section is titled A Group of People Who Could Change Everything - and THIS my friends, is the very best definition of "church" that I have seen...

" A community of people who begin to wake up to the covert curriculum in which they swim each day and would want to band together to share their insights about it. They would help one another not be sucked in, mot be massaged into passivity, not to be malformed by this powerful educational process occurring in a multimedia classroom without walls or vacations. They would remind one another of the alternative framing story they had come to believe was good, beautiful, and true, and they would seek, together, to live by this alternative framing story, the radical good news.
The would develop practices of spiritual formation so they and their children for generations to come would be able to learn, live, and grow as a part of the solution, not part of the problem; as agents of healing, not as carriers of the disease; as revolutionaries seeking to dismantle and subvert the suicidal system, not as functionaries and drones seeking to serve and preserve it.
The would understand that at every moment, their identity as revolutionaries remains under assault; the gravity of compromise pulls and drags to hunch their backs, slacken their step, and lower their gaze. They would be on guard for ways that they themselves could sabotage themselves-by becoming preoccupied with trivia, or by working from the system's logic and values when trying to fight the system, or by slipping into dual narratives as the Pharisees and religious scholars in Jesus' day did, or by substituting talk for action or activity for fruitfulness.
So through word and deed, song and ritual, holiday and daily practice, they would seek to be the revolution they wished to see in the world, and they would work to spread the vision and extend the invitation to others to join their revolution in every way they could.
A group of people like this, functioning in a difficult environment dominated by a hostile system with a covert curriculum, would make lots of mistakes and need continual renewal. But it would be worth the effort and and sacrifice- as long as it understood its sacred and unique role as the bearers of revolutionary good news, the message of hope: another world is possible, available now for all who believe.
This kind of group would be the current expression of Jesus' original band of disciples. It would be an exciting thing to be a part of: a community that forms disciples who work for the liberation and healing of the world, based on Jesus' good news of the kingdom of God. 
Groups like this wouldn't need building, pipe organs, rock bands, layers of institutional structure, video projectors, parking lots, and so on...although having these things wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing, and could possibly be useful. What they would need would be simple: a passion to understand Jesus and his message and a commitment to live out that understanding in a world in which everything must change."- Brian McLaren p. 291, 292.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


click on the picture